In Nicaragua, the team will be working in the town of Jinotega, known as the City of Mists for its location deep within the mountains of the coffee producing region. In the D.R. and Nicaragua, students will work with our longstanding partner, Outreach 360. Their mission is to transform and empower individuals, families, communities, and countries through education. English is a highly sought-after skill in the Dominican Republic, and there are too few teachers to meet the need. The team will be living at an Outreach 360 facility and traveling to a nearby school or community center to teach English. No Spanish or teaching experience required.
Project Serve Outreach 360 Nicaragua Team:
Lauren Anglin
Bret Boatwright
Rahje Branch
Deborah Dunkel
Taylor Griest
Alec Royal
Martin Tienda
Katie Warne
Fund one student's experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua for 1 day
Fund one student's experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua for 2 days
Fund one student's experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua for 3 days
Fund one student's experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua for 3 days
Fund one student's experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua for 5 days
Fund one student's experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua for 6 days
Fund one student's entire Project Serve Experience with Outreach 360 in Nicaragua