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Project Serve: Surfing the Nations

Raised toward our $12,786 Goal
81 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 01, at 12:00 AM PST
Project Owners

Project Serve: Surfing the Nations

Hunger and Homelessness in Wahiawa, Hawai'i

Surfing the Nations (STN) has the motto is "Surfers Giving Back." Surfers lead the way, but anyone who is willing and able is encouraged to join. Their mission is to see lives changed inside and outside of the organization with a focus on hunger and homelessness and at-risk youth. Hawaii, the state with the 3rd highest rate of homelessness, has 10.4% of its residents living in poverty and 14% of experiencing food insecurity. STN is doing remarkable work in Wahiawa to give hope to those in need. Team members will participate by sorting donated goods, rehabilitating a lake, and distributing food to the needy and homeless.

Individual Fundraising Goal: $750

Project Serve Surfing the Nations Team:

Jiwon Ahn

Alison Barragan

Andrea Barrera

John Blizzard

Amelia Dal Pra

Hannah Dario

Dominique Galloway

Ziqian Gao

Ismenia Garcia-Carmona

Hannah Lucchesi

Melissa Maximo

Rebecca Pankratz

Danielle Pena

Arianna Porrini                    

Hannah Robert

Christopher Rodgers

Ashby Vizcarra Zepeda

Rebecca Want

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Fund one day

Fund one student's experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii for 1 day


Fund two days

Fund one student's experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii for 2 days


Fund three days

Fund one student's experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii for 3 days


Fund four days

Fund one student's experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii for 4 days


Fund five days

Fund one student's experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii for 5 days


Fund six days

Fund one student's experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii for 6 days


Fund the trip

Fund one student's Project Serve Experience with Surfing the Nations in Hawaii

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