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Senior 5 for 5 Campaign

Participation Drive
226 Waves
Towards goal of 615 Waves
$1,501.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on August 01, at 12:00 AM PDT
Project Owners

Senior 5 for 5 Campaign

Welcome, Class of 2015!

Make your pledge!  We can make a difference in Pepperdine's future. 

Did you know???

Our gifts during our senior year (and then as alumni) directly affect Pepperdine's national rankings.

We can give to the Pepperdine causes closest to our hearts.*

Pepperdine is a non-profit.

"Freely ye recieved, freely give..."  Won't you join us today?

Come alongside the Student Philanthopy Council and the Seaver student body to make a difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I give when I'm still in school / while I'm still paying for school?  Your gift casts your "vote of confidence" in Pepperdine and will help future Waves and you!

Will my $5 gift really make a difference?  Giving is based on participation, not dollar amount.  Many of us don't have a lot to give right now, but we can still start a healthy habit of giving back to the place we've called home for four years.

What is "5 for 5" exactly? It's a pledge for each of us to give $5 this year and then $5 every year for our first four years out of Seaver.  Not too hard to make that pledge since one cup of coffee from Starbucks is nearly $5, but it makes a huge difference!

What is the Student Philanthropy Council (SPC)? SPC is a newly established (spring 2014), student-run council at Pepperdine that helps educate and inspire students to give back to Pepperdine.

*If no specific gift fund is designated, your gift will automatically be given to the Seaver Student Scholarship Fund. 

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Every Gift Matters

Every dollar you give back to Pepperdine is important.

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