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Paying It Forward, MSOD Founders Scholarship

Participation Drive
110 Donors
Towards goal of 100 Donors
$13,389.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on January 31, at 12:01 AM PST
Project Owners

Paying It Forward, MSOD Founders Scholarship

The end of the year is traditionally time to realign to what is important in each of our lives. It's also a time when the MSOD Alumni Council reaches out to ask the community to support the MSOD Founders Scholarship. This year, we've produced a video to help the community better understand the Founders Scholarship—its history and its purpose. The video features our very own Rosa Carillo and Stephen Pile. We hope you like it and find it informative.

Please consider giving this year. Any amount counts. If your cash balance isn't good, consider $5 or $10. Participation rate is important. If you can offer more, please do so. For those of you who have chosen automatic donations at the monthly or annual level - thank you for your ongoing support and contribution.

If our program is an important part of your life and you feel it's a gift you'd like to offer to future members of the long gray line, please make a donation today.

And, after making your gift, please visit for details on the 2017 Alumni Conference. It's going to be a spectacular event.

Happy holidays,

Jason Stubbers and Dan Schmitz, Your Stewards for the MSOD Founders Scholarship


If you would like to make an international gift, please click here. Your name with your gift amount hidden will appear on the donor wall within one business day.

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